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Ifjord er en vakker og naturskjønn bygd i Finnmark og i regionen rundt finner du mange natur-aktiviteter til å fylle tiden din med.

Spring and summer nature experiences

Ifjord is a beautiful and picturesque village in Finnmark, and in the surrounding area, you will find plenty of nature activities to fill your time during both summer and winter. We are committed to ensuring that all our guests take care of nature and the surroundings, so that we leave Mother Earth in a better state than when we arrived. Therefore, we appreciate it if you show consideration for wildlife on your hikes and do not litter in nature.

In the summertime, Ifjord is a green oasis nestled between the Arctic Ocean and the vast open plains. Perfectly situated in the land of the midnight sun, Oace offers the opportunity to enjoy long lazy days with a view over Ifjord, or to take advantage of the many beautiful fishing lakes and hiking trails in Ifjord and the Nordkyn area.


There are countless opportunities to enjoy nature in Lebesby municipality, with stark contrasts ranging from lush forested hillsides to rocky terrain on the mountains. Veidnesklubben, Kunes, Ifjord, Lebesby, Bekkarfjord, Kjøllefjord, and Dyfjord all offer marked trails with viewpoints scattered throughout. You can follow a marked path to the world’s northernmost point of mainland land; Kinnarodden, which lies at 71°08’02 northern latitude. Hiking in the area provides opportunities to observe reindeer up close, but we encourage visitors to maintain a safe distance and avoid disturbing the animals while they graze.

For more information on hiking trails and maps, please contact the tourist information center or visit the following resources:



Visit Nordkyn 

Nordkyn Turlag (på facebook)

Photo: Finnkirka av Nina Smedseng, NordNorsk Reiseliv

Freshwater fishing

There are many freshwater fishing opportunities in the area, where one can catch both trout and char. A unique feature of fishing in this region is the Finnmark mosquito, which is one of the main food sources for the fish and helps them grow bigger than anywhere else in the country.

Fishing license
Non-residents of Finnmark are required to have a fishing license for freshwater fishing. Please visit the Fefo website for more information.

Mushroom and berry picking

During the end of summer/ early autumn the forest is filled with a variety of berries and mushrooms. Blueberries, lingonberries and cloudberries floods the floor of the forest and the bog/marsh. Cloudberries are known as the gold of the tundra, and is a local delicacy worth searching for in Ifjord. In the late autumn you might be lucky enough to see the reindeers herds on their way back to their winder grazing ground. Remember to not disturb the animals but enjoy them from a distance.


Winter experiences

continental climate with an average temperature of 4°C throughout the year. The highest average temperature is 15°C in July and the lowest is -5°C in January.

Winter in Ifjord is a season of wonder, as the landscape takes on a unique character on land, water, and air. As snow blankets everything in a white coat, the frost and cold create an extraordinary effect on nature, particularly on trees. Frost crystals form on branches like millions of long ice needles, creating a magical spectacle.

Despite the frigid conditions, it’s not a time to stay indoors, although it’s also perfectly acceptable to sit by the fireplace and relax. With so much beauty in nature, there are numerous opportunities for outdoor activities. We offer a variety of exciting activities for our guests to enjoy during this season.

Dog sledding

Dog sledding is an incredibly exciting and memorable experience. Our tour begins with an introduction to the dogs and training on how to control the sled and communicate with the dogs. Afterward, you will be placed on a sled as either a passenger or driver, depending on your preference.

Whether you choose to be a passenger or driver, you will have a view of an eager pack of dogs excited to go on the tour from the sled.

The dogs are strong and well-trained, and they simply love going on tours. It’s no wonder that as soon as you get going, the calmness sets in, and all you hear is the sound of paws against the snow and the rhythmic breathing of dogs in fast pace.

As the dogs lead the way, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the stunning nature around you. Majestic and snow-covered plateaus, frozen rivers and lakes, and perhaps you’ll catch a glimpse of animals like ptarmigan, fox, or reindeer.

For more information and pricing, please contact us.

Photo: Klauer, Nordnorsk Reiseliv

Snowmobile safari in the Arctic wilderness

The snowmobile is the best friend of the people of Finnmark during the winter season. When the snow covers the ground and the river freezes over, there is hardly a better way to get around. During the winter months, the Arctic light creates fantastic colors on the horizon despite the fact that the sun never rises. Later in the spring when the sun returns, there are very special lighting effects in the large snow-covered landscape of the inland plateau.

Before the tour starts, the guide will provide you with warm overalls, winter boots, gloves, and a helmet, as well as instruct you in the safe use of the snowmobile. It doesn’t take long to get out onto the plateau. From the snowmobile seat, you can enjoy the nature and the Arctic light. Here, where nature reigns, it is easy to be speechless and on a snowmobile, you can reach places you wouldn’t otherwise experience in the winter.

Contact us for more information and prices.

Ice fishing

Ice fishing is a big part of life during winter in Ifjord. With countless lakes to choose from and snowmobiles as the perfect mode of transportation, it’s easy to get to good fishing spots. There’s something almost meditative about spending time out on the ice, especially with family or friends around you. You can truly enjoy the silence of the wilderness and relax, far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Plus, it’s always exciting to see who catches the most or biggest fish. However, the best part is to cook the self-caught fish over a campfire and enjoy it afterwards.

Fishing license
Non-residents of Finnmark are required to have a fishing license for freshwater fishing. Please visit the Fefo website for more information.

Photo: BjarneRiesto, Nordnorsk Reiseliv